A pink Enter key on a keyboard with a heart icon in the center

Customer Love: The Must-Have Requirement for a Better Customer Experience

Which is more crucial, the acquisition of new customers, or the retention of existing ones? This question is a classic marketing conundrum; one that most misinformed business owner or marketer would quickly answer with “both, of course.”  We are in the “Age of the Customer”, where businesses have become customer-centric; directing time, labour, and resources…

A man holding an iPad displaying the Facebook 'Like' icon, placed on a table with a notebook, coffee cup, and eyeglasses nearby.

How To Create A Killer Facebook Marketing Strategy With These 5 Tips

If you want Facebook marketing to work for your business, you must develop a strategic plan of action for increased ROE, return on engagement. Simply posting content on Facebook and hoping for significant social media return on investment in your time, effort and advertising won’t work. Businesses approaching Facebook marketing like generals going into battle…