Institute of Excellence

School for Small Business Greatness


Welcome to the Institute of Excellence, where our mission is to “Empower Excellence in Tourism and Small Business.” Through our IGNITE principles—Innovation, Growth, Nurture, Integrity, Tenacity, and Empathy—we strive to foster a community where creativity, ethical practices, and sustainable growth are at the forefront. Our commitment is to light the path to excellence with industry-leading training and development, ensuring every community member has the tools to unlock their potential. Join us in a journey of continuous improvement, guided by values that cherish progress, resilience, and a deep commitment to positively impacting both people and the planet.

Institute Of Tourism

Explore the dynamic world of tourism through tailored training in visitor services, tourism management, digital marketing, social media marketing and customer service, to name a few, designed to elevate your business in the tourism, events and hospitality industries.

institute of toursim

Institute of Small Business

Discover growth and success with the Institute of Small Business, offering comprehensive tools, knowledge, and community support to empower entrepreneurs and small business owners at any stage of their journey.

institute of small business