029 Building Psychological Wellbeing

In this episode, we meet Mel Neil, an Australian positive psychology practitioner, consultant, founder and CEO of Mind Insurance, exploring how to build your psychological wellbeing and cultivating a landscape for flourishing.

Through her desire to empower and facilitate the success of individuals, organisations and communities Mel has a unique ability to make the empirical science and research practical; teaching leaders, teams and individuals how to increase personal, business and collective wellbeing.

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Key Learnings and A-HA Moments from Mel:

  • Psychological Wellbeing is a more positive and meaningful type of description instead of using the term “mental health”.
  • Emotional Intelligence – top 10 skills (future of work)
  • Important to experience negative and positive emotions, but there needs to be a balance.
  • Take the step of a mindfulness practice, relax and stop.
  • The term “balanced” is very subjective
  • Use Formal and Informal times to practice mindfulness: eg. in traffic, breathing activities, get away for time off.
  • Technology and social media problems arise not from the technology itself, but more so based on how it’s used/abused.
  • Rather than criticize how someone is using technology, encourage a conversation and engage with them (because they’re fulfilling a need)
  • Use gratitude in a way that works for you
  • What is your authentic offering?
  • The grass might be greener on the other side, but don’t forget you still have to mow it!
  • Being a value centred person, has inherently incredible challenges because you won’t always be people’s cup of tea.  You need to stay true to yourself and don’t compromise on your values.

Resources and Links Mel Loves:

#TourismHub #BeExcellent

Show hosted by Despina Karatzias and brought to you by Tourism Hub in association with Institute Of Excellence.

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