What would you do if someone said this to you?

Spending some time with the big Fish reminded me of a simple story about a fisherman in a village who catches enough to provide for his family. He has enough time for family, for friends, for activities, etc. A business man goes to him and tells him if he catches more he will make more money and get a bigger boat, then bigger house, then move to a bigger city and have millions. The fisherman asks what happens after the millions and the business man says then he can move to a small village and have time for friends and family, enjoy more life and less work…which of course is what he was already doing! What would you do?

The grass is not always greener – it all comes with sacrifice

It was a real honour to interview Paul Salmon last week. I channeled my inner Oprah / Bruce Mc Avaney to tap in to the psyche of a champ and fearless leader.

What a man! For all his successes we were exposed to the vulnerabilities we all face in life and business. The grass is not always greener but if we follow our path and calling it will always be brighter. Something that really resonated were the lessons Mr Salmon shared in what he sacrificed, his self discipline and the importance of keeping the right company. His success in two AFL clubs and  a career as an entrepreneur was really attributed to just that, “I am prepared to do what it takes to achieve my outcomes”.

Fierce focus – it separates the ordinary to those that go the extra mile.

Any type of sales, marketing, developing or start up in business is a creative process. Discovering the story behind the success of others is something I have always drawn so much inspiration from. Insights and observations I made of this powerhouse that exuded excellence before me on Thursday were as follows:

1. Culture is the difference that separates a good organisation to a great one

2. People are buying you first. For all the buzz that personal branding is at the moment this insight from the Fish nailed it. Whatever it is your selling it’s YOU people are buying.

3. Be confident in your ability and fully aware of your strengths and weaknesses

4. Understand the importance of networking and connecting with people – never burn your bridges

5. Celebrate the challenges as opportunities to step up and take action

6. Surround yourself, collaborate and partner with great people that compliment your strengths

7. By way of association we need to be mindful of who we are hanging out with and making better choices to associate with people that believe in our ability and champion our success.

In the words of Steve Jobs “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.

Don’t settle.

As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

Signing off with the song, in honour of the 2014 Premiers

To your excellence,

Desi x
