No is the new YES: The power of saying no and regaining control

“When you say yes to something you don’t want to do, here is the result: you hate what you are doing, you resent the person who asked you, and you hurt yourself.” – James Altucher

My kids say “No” very easily and most of us did too..when we were two! Anyone that’s been around a two year old knows that it’s the “No” that labels that particular year in ones young life as the ‘Terrible Two’s.

Growing up with the disease to please the word ‘No’ faded from my own vocabulary substituting lots of ways to be agreeable, holding my opinion back to be nice, incase it was different to my friend, colleague, teacher, boss, I would wait, agree, accept and say yes. The intention keep the other person happy. What this results in is doing a whole lot of things you don’t really want to do with a whole lot of people you don’t really want to do it with.

Into my six week journey of ‘flying solo’ the bionic yes woman is back. Do you want to meet. Yes. Do you want to speak. Yes. Do you want to jump. Yes. Do you want to do this. Yes. Do you want to do that. Yes.

I woke up this morning with a schedule on my calendar that was not a priority. It would be the fourth day of the week I spent a day in traffic running bumping into people with my head in my phone and searching for wifi like a thirsty camel in the desert, to keep up, to not miss out. FOMO in full effect! Not today. Today I said No.

The YES breakfast is acronym for ‘Your Excellence Support’. The word ‘excellence’ for me is a barometer. Aristotle and Ralph Marston say it best that excellence is what we repeatedly do. It’s a habit. It’s an attitude that we can keep ourselves accountable to. The simplicity of saying yes to only the things that serve and support you is health and happiness, IS excellence.

For those of you coming to the August YES Breakfast tomorrow morning can’t wait to see you there. For those of you thinking about it will love to see you and introduce you to two extraordinary men that will be there to serve and support you.

Going old school and signing off with soul, Do What You Want,Be What You Are – Hall & Oates

With love, gratitude and to your excellence,

Despina xx
