To do what you love you gotta do some stuff that you loathe…

This morning I ran.

Since transitioning from employee to flying solo in business life I haven’t run at all. Kids, clients, opportunities, housework, homework, deadlines and idea seizures popping off like tiny grenades in my head has wiped my running ritual off the agenda.

When it was a ritual and part of my routine it was easy. For the last two weeks the creative excuses I have come up with to stop me from just getting myself out of bed and pounding the pavement have been elaborate. I have a sore back. I have a headache. I need sleep. The kids will need me when they wake. It’s too cold. It’s too wet. I need a personal trainer to motivate me. I need to go back to the gym. I need a running buddy. There’s so much more…

On Thursday morning I will be interviewing Paul Salmon.

It’s kind of a big deal to me. I am insanely curious about his career as an elite athlete and now entrepreneur and ambassador for a list of not for profits and global brands. He has played for two major AFL clubs and run multiple start ups to now heads upTorus Group a renewable energy company with global presence.

This morning the deep seeded desire to get out there and run was too great to ignore, I sucked it up, put on my runners and off I went. I was thinking about my theme and talking to myself about what I need to do for the day, week, month, year and it occurred to me that to build anything that you love, you will have to do some stuff that you don’t love and might actually loathe.

Stay with me…

I love running, it’s the getting out of bed part I don’t love. In the same way I am loving running my own business and all the possibilities that come with it. There is however a long list of things I don’t love and doesn’t necessarily feel good when I do them but if I want to help others and stay in business I have to suck that up too and just get on with it.

Just doing what feels good and comes easy will keep us just there – comfortable, complacent and cranky.

To break through the zone of cushy comfort and build something we love we have to accept that we will have to do some things that don’t necessarily feel good but are good for us. Think public speaking, BAS statements, budgets or the awkward task of cold calling.

My small BIG #YESbreakfast with Paul Salmon is on Thursday morning – in the same way as running, it doesn’t feel good to get out of bed at 6am to attend a networking event but I can guarantee you that the ‘getting out of bed’ is the hardest part. Once there you never know who you will meet, what you will learn or how you may be inspired to implement something new in your business. If you’re up for it register here it will be a great way to spend your morning.

Signing off with a fave running song  Sting – Desert Rose

To your excellence,

Desi x
