Getting clear on your purpose – your BIG why?

My new book Adventures of a Balloon Girl is a book about achieving excellence in small business as I reflect and share my journey managing Victoria’s leading ballooning company, Global Ballooning. Over the coming weeks I will unveil each chapter with a series of inspired blogs and videos.

In Chapter one discover ways to connect with your big ‘WHY’. When was the last time you thought about why you do what you do? What attracted you to start or work for your business in the first place? Ultimately, your big why is your something of value. Reconnecting and getting clear with your purpose keeps you connected, keeps everyone singing from the same hymn book and creates a yardstick of quality.

Ultimately, getting clear on what you value most helps you attract the right people and makes the daily decision making process so much easier when you can align it back to your core.

To your excellence,

Despina xx

Chapter One – Your BIG Why Video

To pre-order your copy of Adventures of Balloon Girl and learn ways to connect to your purpose, your vision and identify what you value most, go to:
