5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Published Author

Last Friday I had a call from my publisher to tell me my book ‘Adventures of a Balloon Girl‘ was not only ready it was delivered to my door step. I was not home at the time and I was glad. Suddenly I didn’t feel ready to see it, to touch it to feel and smell the fresh pages of my newly printed book. I panicked. “Did I rush, did I check, I should have give over it one more time?” were only sone if the questions I asked myself including the BIG one, “what if it’s crap!”

The kids came home, we waited for my husband and opened the three boxes containing a total of 100 books. They squealed, they jumped for joy and as I sensed their pride for the book in front of them I quickly drew my self out of self sabotage to self trust. This book is ready. I’m ready.

A few days later, which was this past Tuesday 25th February I launched my new baby, Adventures of a Balloon Girl to a room full of people I love and admire in the Victorian tourism industry, my family and close friends.

From having an idea – to saying yes – to producing the work – to seeing it through to a completed state, was a very rewarding experience. It was also very humbling to stop and celebrate this milestone with industry, family and friends of becoming a published author and having a bonafide book to share.

One of the things I shared in my speech as to how this developed from a ‘something I’m thinking about’ to a ‘something I’ve done’ is this:

COMMITMENT TO COMPLETION: Saying yes and following through until it’s DONE. There were obstacles, there was a newborn, there were sick kids, there were challenges yet giving up or putting this project off was never an option. It was never a ‘I’m gunna’. No excuses, this was important and I made a commitment to see it through.

COMMUNITY: Surrounding myself with the right people at all times that believe in what I’m doing as much, if not more, than I did. Community of family, friends, work colleagues, business colleagues, industry professionals all communities shared the same traits to fuel and encourage my desire to do this.

INSANE CHILDLIKE CURIOSITY: I met a great lady Natasa Denman and it just so happened she was running her inaugural 48 Author Weekend. It was a clear YES. I proceeded to ask good questions and lots of them to the people like Nat who have walked the path before me.

COLLABORATION: You know the saying “If you want to go go fast go alone – if you want to go far go together”. Not only the book, the event to launch the book was one big collaboration of minds, theories, insights and experience. In the book I share knowledge gained from various training and day to day experience at Global Ballooning Australia with partners like, Rochford Winery, VTIC, Destination Melbourne, Scope Victoria and Burt & Davies to name a few.

CELEBRATE: I never take the time to do this and never realised the importance until I did it this week. So happy I did. The event on Tuesday night was a highlight of this experience so far and to extend the ride a little further I will be participating in events all throughout March to celebrate and savour this book before taking a break and tackling the next exciting project.

To see the photos of the launch go to Facebook.com/instituteofexcellence

With love and gratitude,

Despina xx

