3 Steps to Decoding Your Digital Marketing

How is your marketing going? Are you clear on your objectives? Have a clear plan or are you just flat out busy and just don’t have time for that?

The thing is as soon as you get used to one thing – bam a new tool, system, feature ‘thing’ presents itself!!

Take social media for example. First, we had to share more photos. Then video is all the rage. Then they go and introduce live broadcasting and stories, and self-driving cars!

What I wanted to share with you is a simple three step solution to get you started. I call it my PPC method! Now for you advanced digital maestros, you would know PPC to stand for Pay Per Click Advertising traditionally. It’s ok I’m not messing online advertising lingo on purpose, it just so happens my steps also start with PPC. And who doesn’t love an acronym? Let’s dig in![/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”PURPOSE
“][vc_column_text]The first P is for a purpose. I know deep, and that’s where I want you to dig. Profound and meaningful reasons WHY you want to make an online footprint.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Why do I do what I do?

Why is this important?

Why do I want to invest my time and money?

Why should my customers care?

Research and consumer behaviour keep telling us that as humans we want more brands to make us feel something. The more purpose, you can bring out in you and your business the more you will find alignment with your core reason for being in existence in the first place. The more you work on this, the more you will deliver heart-centered marketing that makes a connection.It’s obvious, yet so many businesses do not take the time to create a roadmap for success. So many companies I ask don’t even know what success looks like for them. The reason why this is so important is that at the very onset you must be able to very clearly identify what success looks like for you and your business. A big picture, a big audacious goal, a big end game that will help you know (and measure) that you’ve done something extraordinary. Financial goals, community goals, visitor goals, staff retention and satisfaction goals, content goals. The list goes on, what does success look like and what are the actions and clear path that will help you get there?

‘Fail to plan, plan to fail!’ Oh, c’mon I had to throw that one in! What do you want your audience and potential customers to do? What is the solution you are presenting to them? Please never leave a piece of content without a call to action to like something, buy something, download something, follow or subscribe to something! Your audience appreciated the clear direction in what to do next.

Let’s wrap this up in a gorgeous gift for your business. For you to reach your full potential and have the best possible chance for online success take the time to:

  1. Find your purpose
  2. Plan out what success looks like and create a roadmap to get there
  3. Inspire action!

Thank you for being here! If you want more decoding digital inspiration to be equipped and empowered to run your very own successful digital marketing initiatives, I will be running the most affordable and value for money 6-week online course on the internet.

Each week we will cover a different topic including decoding your business, your website, your content, your social media, your communication and most importantly your strategy. Our decoding engines will start roaring on Wednesday 24th May will love to have you there! For more information and registration go to Decoding Digital Marketing for Tourism. Ignite excellence in people. That is the reason I get of bed in the morning, and that is the reason my training and mentoring practice InstituteofExcellence.com exists. Helping small to medium business communities using the power of online tools, tips and strategies via live and online training programs in digital marketing, social media and tourism is where you will find me.

Get Your FREE eBook “Top 10 Marketing Mistakes Made by Small Business” and How to Overcome Them.

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