008 How to Build a Business and Look After You (with Jo Surkitt)

In this episode, ‘How to Build a Business and Look After You’ with Jo Surkitt I explore with the Victorian-based wellness expert why she left a successful career in travel to start her own business.  Jo has studied a vast range of Professional development specialities and natural therapies and has practised with professionals around the world.  She has co-owned a successful natural therapy college in Melbourne and has treated 1000’s of clients throughout her 15-year professional career.

Since 2002, Jo’s business Revitalize Lifestyle has been changing the lives of people all over the country. Jo Surkitt and her team have extensive knowledge and years’ of experience to create programs individually designed to bring you great health, balance and wellness.

In this episode, we talk about what led Jo to change careers, start her own business and her love of combining wellness with unique experiences.

Podcast Highlights:

Key insights shared in this episode include:

  • Focus goes where focus grows
  • Your health is not something you handball the responsibility to others to heal
  • Best way to start a business is to just start
  • FUCCESS: The understanding that failure is necessary to succeed

Links and Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Microsoft One Note

Linchpin Seth Godin

Shamash Alidina

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